As a copy editor, I have come across numerous contract words that can be confusing at times. One such category of contract words is those that begin with a vowel. These contract words are formed by removing a vowel from the second word and replacing it with an apostrophe.
Let`s take a look at some common contract words beginning with a vowel:
1. I`m – This is a contraction of “I am.” The word “am” is reduced to an apostrophe and the letter “i” is left behind.
2. You`re – This is a contraction of “you are.” The word “are” is reduced to an apostrophe and the word “you” remains intact.
3. It`s – This is a contraction of “it is.” The word “is” is reduced to an apostrophe and the pronoun “it” is left behind.
4. We`re – This is a contraction of “we are.” The word “are” is reduced to an apostrophe and the pronoun “we” remains intact.
5. They`re – This is a contraction of “they are.” The word “are” is reduced to an apostrophe and the pronoun “they” remains intact.
These contract words can be easily mistaken for their homophones, which can lead to confusion and errors in your writing. It’s vital to have a firm grasp of the differences between them to ensure clarity and accuracy in your writing.
Some examples of such homophones include:
1. Its – This is a possessive pronoun that indicates ownership. It has no apostrophe and should not be mistaken for “it`s.”
2. Your – This is a possessive pronoun that indicates ownership. It has no apostrophe and should not be mistaken for “you`re.”
3. They`re – This should not be mistaken for “their,” which indicates possession.
4. We`re – This should not be mistaken for “were,” which is the past tense of “are”.
To sum it up, contract words that begin with a vowel can be a bit tricky, but with practice, you can easily master them. Always double-check your writing to ensure that you are using the correct homophone and that your message is clear. Happy writing!